Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Climate Change

I've been hearing about Climate Change ever since I was a little boy. Back then the only information I had on Climate Change was from the Al Gore episode of South Park, the same episode that featured ManBearPig. So obviously, my knowledge wasn't too vast. As I grew up more and more information became available to me and I learned about what has caused it, what can be done to "fix" it, and what will happen if we don't. But until we had our most recent lecture in English 1100, it never really struck me as a "top priority" kind of issue.

Dr. Karowe was invited to speak to our class this past Monday about Climate Change and how it is affecting not only the climate but our agriculture. Throughout my years of college I have been "molded" into a skeptic through the Psychology department, because skeptics make for good scientists. So obviously, I questioned everything Dr. Karowe had said (in my head, not out loud). However, his presentation was very well put together and answered just about every question. It also brought to my attention how big of an issue Climate Change really is. I never really thought a few degrees would make a huge difference. "Oh no, it's going to be a little hotter this summer! Better buy some stronger sunscreen or stay in my air conditioned apartment more!". But that's even close to the actual damage these few degrees could cause. Dr. Karowe mentioned that if the global climate were to raise five degrees (like it is predicted to in the next century), that agriculture would suffer tremendously. What really convinced me of these problems was the picture I've posted below in Figure A. This is a picture of the U.S if the climate were to drop five degrees. Can you find Michigan?

Figure A (The only figure) 

I don't know about you, but I'd rather not see what happens to Michigan, and the rest of the world, if the temps were to increase.

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